Japan Travel News

Rara Zahra

Japan Travel News

Japan Travel News

Japan Travel News: Tohoku is a region in Japan’s north, known for its mountainous landscape and quiet charm. While it isn’t Japan’s most popular destination, it boasts unique local cuisine and offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of big cities.

Japan Travel News

Shinjuku Station

Shinjuku Station is the busiest train station in Japan and one of the most important transport hubs in Tokyo. The area surrounding Shinjuku Station is a major shopping district, and this section of Tokyo is very busy during rush hour.


Did you know that Akita is a city in northern Japan? It’s the capital of Akita Prefecture, and it’s located between Aomori and Yamagata.

Akita is known for its many temples and shrines. The main attraction there is Jochiji Temple, which dates back to 732 AD. There are also beautiful gardens within walking distance from this temple, including Kanto-ryo Garden with its cherry blossoms in springtime.

If you’re interested in Japanese culture but don’t want to travel too far from Tokyo or Osaka—or if you just want an excuse to explore Japan after your travels have ended—then look no further than Akita!


If you’re traveling to Japan during the first few days of January, be sure to check out Hatsumode.

Hatsumode is the New Year’s first visit to temples and shrines. This practice has been carried out for over 1000 years in Japan, where people will go to pray for their health and success in the coming year. The name “Hatsu” means first or beginning, while “modesu” translates as to visit someone. Read more: Travel Jember Surabaya or Travel Jember Malang

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Tohoku tourism

Tohoku is a popular destination for Japanese tourists, and not just because it’s far enough away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo to feel like a breath of fresh air. The area has plenty of natural beauty on offer, with hiking trails leading up into snow-capped mountains or through forests full of cedar trees. You can also take advantage of the region’s excellent seafood cuisine, which will help you enjoy your trip even more!

Tohoku is also known as one of Japan’s best winter destinations: It gets just enough snowfall to make things magical without being too cold for sightseeing purposes.

While Tohoku has been a relatively unknown destination, its charms are now being recognised.

Tohoku is a region in Japan’s northeastern corner that was devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. While it has been a relatively unknown destination, its charms are now being recognised.

While Tohoku has been a relatively unknown destination, its charms are now being recognised. The region has many attractions, including Hakkoda mountain range, the hot spring town of Aomori and the national park in Iwate Prefecture with five volcanic craters.

The area also offers an excellent opportunity to see Japanese culture at work: you can visit temples and shrines or sample traditional food like sashimi from fresh-caught seafood or katsuo no tataki (deep-fried skipjack tuna).

There are many things to do in this part of Japan – from hiking along Mount Hakkoda or watching wild monkeys play at Shirakami Sanchiwa Monkey Park to shopping for antiques in old wooden houses around Aomori city centre or learning about sake brewing at Yoichi Sake Brewery Museum

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The area around the Shinjuku train station is one of Tokyo’s most famous landmarks. This has been celebrated throughout history as a centre of culture and commerce, with many films being set here including ‘Lost in Translation’ with Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson. The station itself opened in 1885 but didn’t become as popular until after WWII when it was rebuilt as part of Japan’s post-war reconstruction efforts by American architect Kenzo Tange (who also designed Tokyo Olympic Stadium). Today, Shinjuku Station remains one of Japan’s busiest transport hubs with over 200 platforms serving over 550 trains per day!

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